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Akshay Kumar’s Grand Entry in Tashan

“At the heart of TASHAN’s failure…lies it’s success. A performance to “massy” in the truest sense and feeling of the word it’s hard to describe on paper. It’s a common fact Akshay Kumar’s popularity at the box-office is soaring. Every few days we see articles in the Media that AKshay is “king”, new number one and so forth, and after watching TASHAN, in a odd sort of way, I believe this could become true. Why? Akshay Kumar is without a ounce of doubt the “massiest” star commercial Bombay cinema has right now. His ability to simply evoke a thunderous response with his mere presence (that one clip in OSO is proof enough) that this a star at the top of his game, and a performance like TASHAN further proves that. Right from the obvious reference to Bachchan with his first name, to the countless witty liners this is a performance that pays a bowing tribute to Bombay “masala” cinema in countless ways. Akshay Kumar delivers one of his finest performances to date in a role that ONLY he could carry off. The confidence, the look, the style, the delivery…everything about it is bang on the money each time, and Akshay’s entry in the movie seriously elevates it to another level all together. Alongside his usual impeccable comic timing, it’s welcoming to see Akshay get back in to his action groove with some real style. Even in the one emotional sequence he has he hits the right notes….the no doubt whatever one may think of TASHAN as a film, it’s evident that Akshay is what really MAKES this film and is the backbone of the movie.”


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